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November is a busy time of year for me and perhaps for you, too. Especially with the holidays right around the corner.
For me, it’s been finalizing my second book in the series Cowboys of the High Desert. Natalie’s Cowboy is “almost there.” I realize it has been a while since I wrote my first book, Dead Ringer Cowboy, but I appreciate you having patience with me on the release of Book 2.

The restaurant is a real place in Gallup, New Mexico where Natalie and Justin dine.


Where have I gotten my ideas? My husband and I RV’d for a few years and were able to travel in the southwest. Scenery and places to explore were abundant. I truly enjoyed Tombstone, AZ. The shootout at the O.K. Corral was reenacted for the tourists. We even visited Boot Hill.

Here’s the back of the book from Natalie’s Cowboy:

Natalie Westwood is on the fast track for her dream career of being a West Coast fashion designer. Until those plans crash. Left without a job or an apartment, Natalie moves to Anvil, New Mexico, to stay with her mom and stepdad to regroup. But at the airstrip waiting to pick her up is the man who saved her life a year ago. Justin Remington, the handsome cowboy she’s never forgotten.

Justin, a former PRCA rodeo champion, spends long days working to prove to his father that he’s capable of running the Remington ranch. As his feelings for Natalie grow, he wants to pursue a relationship with her. But what can he offer her since his dad isn’t promising to turn over the ranch to him?

As Natalie builds Urban Cowgirl clothing and Justin is buried in ranch work, where will they find time for their growing relationship before ranch and career pull them apart?

I hope you’ll be on the lookout from Amazon for Natalie’s Cowboy as I truly enjoyed writing it. Book 3 will be on the horizon.
In the meantime, I would love to hear back from you with questions or comments about this blog or any previous ones. Until next month…



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