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How many of you remember the movie with the above title? I have to write about getting on a plane in a few days to head to the American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) Annual Conference. I’m excited! However, I don’t recommend reading books about airline tragedies right before you go! I’m reading one now.

Thought I might plug BookBub for you. I have found many good “free” books for my Kindle and some at a very low price. This is where I found “Flt 259.”

I have been on planes, trains, and ridden or driven automobiles. I suppose my automobile experience in Germany was one of my most memorable. First, you don’t find autobahn exits there like in the US. When you realize you might have to turn around, you may drive miles and miles. Second, the speed limit in comparison to ours is around 100 mph. Talk about Nascar experience! Third, trucks over there, by law, HAVE to remain in the right lane and are not allowed to “sit” in the passing lanes.

How many of you have ridden on a train, whether a vintage one or bullet-style? Yes, feel free to let me know about your experience.

My first train ride was as a small child, and I can recall the rocking movement and passing of the scenery to this day. I fell in love with trains. A few different ones since then have brought back that feeling of contentment and adventure.

Planes. Ah! Have they changed since I was younger. I suppose legroom is what I remember most. No cost for beverages or meals. No weight limitations for luggage, jets that didn’t shudder at takeoff and landing, and no extra charges for preferred seating, first-class excluded. Yes, I’m looking forward to my trip and an airplane is still the best and fastest way to get there, but sadly, things have changed.

For those of you awaiting my book, it’s almost there. Yes, I know I promised it sooner, but self-publishing, especially for the first time does push you into the marketing realm, which I’m trying to learn quickly. Please stay tuned at Amazon for “Dead Ringer Cowboy,” both in Kindle format and paperback, hopefully, in the next few weeks.

I’d like to leave you with this scripture for the month: “Each one of you will put to flight a thousand of the enemy, for the Lord your God fights for you, just as he has promised.” Joshua 23:10 (NIV).

See you next month around the 15th.

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