Mining for gold started in California (not yet a territory) in 1863. When gold was discovered, people traveled from back East via ship or overland to find their fortunes. Placer mining commonly known as panning for gold was the beginning. It took hard work and determination and wasn’t a glamorous occupation. Many left the area broke after putting their savings into traveling to California and not finding a single nugget.

When gold fizzled out many headed eastward and found gold in western Montana. Actual gold mining became popular where pic axes were used inside mountains with very little safety measures. After a few years, quite a few men were diagnosed with tuberculosis. Since there wasn’t much medical research back then, it was believed the illness originated from all the dust in their lungs. Sad.

Many inventions came out of this era including foundries which developed iron parts for much of the needed equipment used to mine. Some shafts were dug to 1200 feet below ground where mining continued through long tunnels. Anyone claustrophobic?

Towns built up around miners which started with cabins, brothels, and saloons. Many entrepreneurs realized the need for supplies for the miners and general stores popped up in the communities providing coffee, canned goods, tools, and clothing. The invention of Levis came out of this era which enabled the miners to have sturdier clothing that lasted a long time. Today many of us take denim jeans for granted and probably don’t think about their origin.

Mining still exists today with additional searches for iron, copper, oil, gas, and valuable gemstones.

Maybe next vacation you’ll have a chance to tour a mine. I have a friend who is a mining engineer and I appreciate his chosen career now that I have done some research.

Please feel free to comment on this article or any previous blogs I have written.

Have a wonderful month! Until next time…


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