How many of you have been to the mountains? I’ve been blessed to live in Colorado. I’ve also seen the Appalachians and been to the Alps. If you haven’t been, I truly hope you have the chance to see them in your lifetime, even from afar. Here’s a pic you might enjoy.

“Shout for joy, you heavens; rejoice, you earth; burst into song, you mountains! For the Lord comforts his people and will have compassion on his afflicted ones.” Isaiah 49:13
Our daughter took me to Breckenridge, a ski town in Colorado, for Mother’s Day. It was absolutely beautiful. Although I have been there before, God couldn’t have blessed us more with blue sky and sunshine. Meanwhile, those below 10,000 feet were having dark clouds and some rain.
God wants us to look beyond the ominous clouds in our lives, whether it be illness, loneliness, loss of something or someone special, or other gloomy days. We must try to see beyond the difficulties and hold our eyes on Jesus. I know, you’re thinking, “it’s tough to do that.” And I’m not saying it’s easy, but if we focus on what God has in store for us, he’ll carry us through those hard times.
Colorado has had an unusual week with one day (22 hours) of constant rain. Yes, it does cause flooding here, but those who were worried about drought conditions are now glad that the rivers and reservoirs were filled. “Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants.” Deut 32:2 (NIV)
Our daughter and I had a great time in the mountains. Here are few pics from Mother’s Day.

Send me your pics of a beautiful adventure you’ve had. It doesn’t have to include mountains, but I’d love to hear from you about the beauty in your life. When we focus on those blessings, our days are much brighter.
Beautiful pictures and message, Alicia! It sounds like you had a wonderful time.
Thank you, Kathy. You seem to be the only one who responds to my blog. I truly appreciate you reading them monthly.