When was the last time you laughed? Really laughed from deep down in your core.
Science tells us that laughter is a potent endorphin releaser. It acts with our homegrown receptors, much like an opioid would work. Ooh! Let’s not go there but return to laughter.
Quite a few years ago the Pink Panther movies would make me laugh. I can still quote some phrases from those movies. Or any of the Mel Brooks movies, like this quote: “It could be worse, it could be raining.”
Laughter does form a bond with others. Have you ever heard someone laugh so hard, YOU started laughing and maybe even someone else laughed who stood nearby? It’s a domino effect of endorphins. There are different types of laughter too. When someone’s ribs or feet are tickled, it’s different than someone taunting another and laughing.
Relationships: Men seem to instigate laughter while women scientifically laugh more than men. Women list a sense of humor high on their list when looking for a relationship. High-quality relationships are formed when couples laugh together.
Laughter and antidepressants: Some of you may not have laughed a lot lately because of stress in your life or anxiety and may even need to be on antidepressants. It’s also difficult to find anything funny when you are struggling, but I wish you improvement and laughter in your life. Try reading or watching something funny each day. Even a good joke can provoke laughter. Here’s one I like:
A woman went to the Post Office to buy stamps for her Christmas cards. “What denomination?” Asked the clerk.“Oh, my goodness! Have we come to this?” Said the woman. “Well, give me 50 Baptist and 50 Catholic!”
Scientifically, research shows that laughter can protect your heart. It has an anti-inflammatory effect against the damaging effects of cardiovascular disease.
Does God have a sense of humor? You bet he does. Look at the platypus. Have you ever noticed that some dachshunds run on an angle, just like a boat tacking?
One of my favorite pictures came to light quite a few years ago.

To some, this seemed inappropriate, but if you think about it, why wouldn’t Jesus laugh? After all, he came down to earth in human form, with human emotions. There are a few scriptures out there that show his humor. My favorite is this:
“You hypocrite (play-actor, pretender), first get the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.” Matt 7:5 (Amp)
Take some time to laugh and smile this Thanksgiving.