This month has escaped me. Do you feel the same way? Where did September go?

I’m sure many of you feel like that no matter what month it is. For those of you working outside the home it’s certainly tough to get everything done. Add children in the mix and wow! You are a super woman.

Retirement does not necessarily mean you’re sitting in a rocking chair on the porch watching the flowers grow. I don’t recall how I did everything when I worked full-time, helped my husband raise our daughter, took care of a dog, and twenty-four years of my life was being an Air Force wife. Now that things have changed, I’m still busy.

One of the best workshops at our recent American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) conference was entitled “Sitting at the Feet of Jesus.” That can be difficult. I’m sure some of you have mastered that special time in the day to spend in prayer and listening to God’s responses. I’m still working on it.

The conference gave me plenty to do, from social media education to self-publishing. Those two workshops stood out for me and have spurred me on to get moving with my first book. Of course, on top of that, there were many recommended books and websites for me to reference.

This month has also given me two outpatient surgeries which have blessed me physically.

Fall is a time of refreshment for me, I remember getting excited about returning to school as a child and teenager—reconnecting with friends, learning new things.

Next month, my husband and I celebrate forty-nine years of marriage. I can’t believe he put up with me that long. What a guy! We learned early on that communication is key in our lives. Although sometimes we don’t hear each other correctly (old age), but it has been a fun ride with him. I can look back on our adventures and all the friends we’ve met over the years.

ACFW has a First Impressions Contest. I plan to submit my novella, “The Sheriff’s Dilemma.” It’s always good to receive the critiques from the judges and then see if you just might make it as a finalist in your category.

Please share my blog with your friends or family. I would love to have them sign up.

I’d like to leave you with a quote for this month:

“A sacrifice to be real must cost, must hurt, and must empty ourselves. Give yourself fully to God. He will use you to accomplish great things on the condition that you believe much more in His LOVE than in your weakness.” – Mother Teresa

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