Some of you may have wondered why I chose horses for my website banner page. First, I think they depict western scenes, even though horses are very popular back east and in places like Kentucky (Kentucky Derby and the Preakness come to mind).

Second, horses and cowboys just go together. Whether you were raised on a farm or a ranch or might be a city girl, like me, that pairing comes to mind. I envy you who grew up in the country and were familiar with the intelligent and powerful animal. Clydesdales intrigued me as a girl growing up in St. Louis (hometown of Budweiser). As a small girl my family would go out to Grant’s Farm, log cabin of President Grant at the farm, along with the beautiful giant draft horses in open pastures. Of course, the adults in my family would have to enjoy the refreshments offered there as it was owned by the Busch family.

Third, my love of watching westerns in the 50s and early 60s had to include horses. Three types of horses popular in the old west were the American Quarter Horse, American Saddlebred, and the Appaloosa. Any of you remember Tornado, Black Beauty, Trigger, Buttermilk, Silver, and Scout? Memorable names for horses. Feel free to email me with more names you can think of. I’m always looking for ideas for horse names in my writing.

Fourth, In WWI, horses were more commonly used for logistical support – they were able to move well through mud and rough ground to carry messages, pull supply wagons, and move medical staff, the wounded, and artillery. As the war went on, horses became more and more difficult to replace. Their value, from a purely economic and strategic standpoint, outweighed the value of a soldier.

Last, my applause goes out to my blog readers out there who grew up riding horses or learned in their adult years. I never learned to ride, except those occasional vacation trail rides where you bounce along trying to look like you know what you’re doing. You ladies are magnificent.

I hope you have enjoyed my little blurb about the animals of choice for my website. I’d like to leave you with this:

“I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True…” (Rev 19:11)

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