Update from Alicia Whittle

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February turned out to be record-breaking temperatures for many parts of the states. How about yours? Here in Colorado, we had some below zero temps, but nothing like some of you have had.

In writing, I don’t have record-breaking news, but did join the National Novel Writing Month back in November. It’s open to all genres, and the challenge is to type 50,000 words in a month. One of my writer friends was able to achieve the goal, but I set mine to 10,000. I have a draft of the second book in my series, “Natalie’s Cowboy,” a working title, and needed to fill in some scenes. Being proud of my goal, the manuscript now sits quietly waiting.

The reason it’s patiently sitting there is that I am currently developing my website. I hope to have it up soon for your viewing and to let you know what’s going on with my writing progress. Building a website from a tutorial can be a challenge, as I am not a programmer, but with tiny steps and encouragement from another writer friend who did it, progress is happening.

You’re probably thinking, why have a website if you’re not published? In the author’s world, agents and publishing houses want you to have a website first! That does sound strange, but it’s a given. There are some rules to becoming a writer and I’m slowly learning the process. Another author entered a contest and as a finalist they needed her to have a website. I presume that’s because her manuscript would have exposure to agents and publishers. Soooo, I’m working that aspect of writing.

Some of you have followed my journey and are probably wondering what’s taking her so long? Part of it is stumbling through the process, lot of it is educational, and of course, hanging out with other authors to glean their expertise which definitely helps.

Just a heads up—if I receive rejections from agents and cannot find a publisher who wants my book(s), I will consider self-publishing. Thank you for letting me contact you again about my writing journey. I’ll be in touch.

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