Writing as a Career

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Have you ever thought about writing?

Even putting down your thoughts in a diary is writing, pretty obvious, huh?

I’m a wannabe writer. Ever since I was young, I enjoyed the English language and writing in my English classes. In letters to my cousin (yes, this was way before emails) I used to write continuing fictional stories to her. Even then, I didn’t realize that writing could be a “thing” for me.

My career took me into the secretary/administrative assistant field where I was able to hone my skills with business letters, and even an administrative assistant’s handbook for one company I worked for. I didn’t realize I could be doing writing for fun.

My life took me to places in Europe and I still didn’t follow my calling. I did other sales jobs which I enjoyed because I like being around people.

Even after age sixty and finally receiving my B.A. in English, I still didn’t write for a while.

Reading was always an enjoyable past time for me, but I never gave much thought to being on the other side of a book as an author. Finally, it hit me.

The hard part was having my head in the clouds thinking that you just sat down and wrote what you and your close friends/relatives thought was a good book only to be rejected by agents and publishers. I have a fairly tough shell, so I kept plugging along. I’m still plugging along, learning from craft books, writers’ conferences, and other seasoned writers.

There is a lot to learn in this area of writing, so don’t be discouraged if you are a wannabe writer. It takes time and tenacity.

If nothing else, write for yourself.

Perhaps someday I’ll have a book or two out there for you to read.

I hope you’ll look forward to my next blog.

See you then!


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